Sabtu, 13 Maret 2010

Jomblo oh Jomblo ..

Uwah ..
Stela 15 bulan bareng sama cowkku tercinta, ternyata harus berakhir jujja..
Tapi nggak apa lah.
Cz di mana ada pertemuan di sana pasti ada perpisahan...
Dan aku yakin, aku dan dia masi bisa temenan.
Cz, dia bilang lok kita cuma turun pangkat jadi tmen, shabat, kk adk ..

Senin, 08 Maret 2010

Geregetan Sherina Lirik

Ku lihat lagi.. Wajahnya
Ku lirik lagi.. Dia
S'makin ku pandang.. Wajahnya
S'makin rupawan.

Matanya.. Memancarkan cinta
Senyumnya.. Manja nan menggoda
Gayanya.. Wajar mempesona
Siapa dia.. Hey.. Hey..

Reff :
Geregetan.. Jadinya geregetan
Apa yang harus ku lakukan
Geregetan.. Duh aku geregetan
Mungkinkah aku jatuh cinta

Ku coba.. Ku sapa dirinya
Ku tanya.. Siapa namanya ( Hey sayang..)
Ku dengar.. Desah suaranya
Oh lengkaplah sudah

Back to Reff

Back to *, **, Reff

Geregetan.. Duh aku geregetan
Mungkinkah aku jatuh cinta


Aku geregetan waktu inget dia.
Ingin ku jadi miliknya namun tak bisa.


This is what we called 'heartbeating'.
When your heart beating faster and faster.
And it seems like never relax anymore.
When I see his name.
My heart 'beating' AGAIN.

Minggu, 07 Maret 2010

Geguritan Basa Jawa ??? Hell !

Udah dapet dua minggu tugas ini di kasi tapi males banget mau ngerjain.. Uda bahasanya gw kaga ngerti pula.. Akhirnya, saia minta mama buat ngartiin ...
Tapi sama aja..

Akhirnya dengan terpaksa *jeng-jeng-jeng* saia membuka pepak !!!
*riuhtepuktangan* [padahalyobiasa]

Dan jadilah sebuah geguritan dengan judul 'LANU LAN LUDIRA'

Uda di kumpulin deh ..
Tinggal di jilid sama si ketua kelas yang itu ...

Sabtu, 27 Februari 2010

Two Days Without Him

Oh Love

Dua hari yang sepi tanpa cowok gue adalah bencana.
Di hidup gue yang ada cuma sepi, sunyi.
Tanpa cowok gue, gue ngerasa nggak berdaya.
Entah kenapa gue jadi makin tergantung sama dia.
Tergantung sama keberadaannya.
Sesuatu yang nggak pernah gue rasain sebelumnya.
Sesuatu yang nggak pernah gue bayangin akan sangat gue butuhin untuk keberlangsungan hidup gue.
Something weird...

Tapi dari situlah gue melihat sisi lain dari kebutuhan badan gue.
Dulu, segala sesuatu yang gue butuhin nggak pernah ada sangkut pautnya sama nyawa seseorang.
Sama keberadaan seseorang.
Tapi, 2 hari tanpa dia telha membuka mata.
Kalo yang gue butuhin bukan cuma makan, minum, duit.
Tapi juga perhatian yang orang lain kasih buat gue.

Sabtu, 20 Februari 2010

My Family

Stick Figure Family at
Make your Stick Figure Family at


wmode="transparent" align="middle" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">

Christmas Gift Toy & MySpace Layouts at
The Gifts

Pyzam Bubble Maker Toy

Kiri ke kanan.
Iken , Tania, Bibil, Dian.

Di SMPN 2 Singosari .
Niatnya sih foto album ber5. Tapi berhubung yang motoin lagi pipis [oups!] jadi, terpaksa yang satu kita buang buat motoin kita ..
Lucu kan ??

Tenang aja .
Yang paling imut tetep DIAN kok ..

I Hate This Day

Pyzam Glitter Text Maker

Pyzam Glitter Text Maker

Whooa ..
Gara-gara masalah yang ngga ngaruhdi hidupku , ak jadi berantem sma Agung .
Untung uda selese masalahna sama Agung .


Aku heran sama seseorang .
Kapan coba dia mau belajar dewasa ?
Lok dia ngga keag gitu , gag bakal banyak orang yang ikut campur urusnny ..
Cz banyak yang peduli sama cowk.ny daripda sama dia ..
That girl was totally SUCKS !

Selasa, 12 Januari 2010


Aphrodite - The Goddess of Love, Desire, and Beauty

She is the daughter of Zeus and Dione. Aphrodite was very independent and constantely
in search of a new lover. One of her more familiar lovers, Ares, the God of War, is whom
she later married. She felt no pain in being deceitful, as she abused the fact that she could
have anyone and everyone, love and admire her. Of all of her miscellaneous affairs,
and children, the most well knownis Eros, the God of Love, also
known as Cupid.

Hera - Queen of the Gods

One of the six Olympians, she is the daughter of Cronus and Rhea, and
the powerful wife (and sister) of Zeus. She is the most beautiful of the
immortals, even more beautiful then the goddess of love, Aphrodite. Her
name appears in many stories and she is often regarded as petty and
unforgiving. In her role as the first lady of Olympus, she has an
extremely difficult temper as she is always angered by Zeus.

Athena- Goddess of Wisdom and Military victory

She was the favorite child of Zeus, and had sprung fully grown in armor out of her
father's head. Athena was also a war Goddess, yet unlike the hot tempered Ares, she
was wise and just in war. She represented the intellectual and civilized side of war,
she was not so much of a fighter but more of a wise and prudent adviser. For these reasons
it has always been desirable to count upon her favour when war is at hand, for
Athena, it is said, would never put up with defeat.

Artemis - The Goddess of the Wilderness, the Hunt, and Wild Animals

She is the daughter of Zeus and Leto, and Apollo's twin sister. Artemis is a friend
to mortals, and dances through the countryside in her silver sandals giving her
divine protection to the wild beasts, especially those that are very young.
She rides her silver chariot across the sky and shoots her arrows of silver Moonlight
to the earth down below. Even though Artemis had sweet and loving beginnings,
and indeed, she could love most intensely, she could also be very cold and
unforgiving. Once, after a long day of of hunting, she went to bathe in a sacred
pool. A man passing by named Actaeon caught sight of her. Bad idea. Artemis
heard him, turned around, and in fury threw water at him. As the three droplets
hit him, he transformed into a stag.

Hestia - The Goddess of the home and hearth (furnace)

Hestia is the first born child of Rhea and Cronus, therefore also the first of the six children
to be swallowed by Cronus to prevent them from overtaking his throne. Hestia has never
been married, but she protects orphans and missing children and chooses not only to
spend her time on Mt. Olympus, but also on Earth with the mortals she loves.
She is the most tender, most loving, and most forgiving Goddess.